
Cataract is one of the most common eye disorders. In a healthy eye, the inner lens is completely transparent so the light can go through without any distortion. Cataract is what makes the vision foggy and blurry by changing the anatomy of this inner lens. This causes a loss of vision by blocking lightwaves to go through your eyes. This process is a long term gradual process that continues through time.

It is widely seen in elderly people but it can also be seen in these cases;

  • New born babies as hereditary,
  • Diabetes patients due to high blood sugar level,
  • Long term cortisone usage,
  • Physical traumas to eyes.

What are the symptoms of having cataract?

  • Gradually losing vision
  • Fading in seeing colors
  • Difficulty in nightvision
  • Difficulty in reading
  • Frecuent change of eye prescription
  • Diplopia (double seeing)
  • Nuclear cataract. In this case patient is nearsighted, but through time cataract advances and he/she loses vision more and more.

If you have such complaints, please see a doctor to have an examination of your vision quality.

How can cataract be treated?

The only way to treat it is to perform a surgery. Latest developments allow us to have the surgery needle-free and general anesthesia free in one day without the need of staying in the hospital.

The most preferred cataract surgery method is called PHACO(Phacoemulsification) in which the eye’s internal lens is emulsified with an ultrasonic device and aspirated out from the eye. Artificial and soft tissued lens is placed inside the eye. As the incision is very small, there is no sutures. For the last few years thanks to the technological advances, femtosecond laser is also used as a supportive side-method. It allows us to make the small incision without blade, using only laser. Most importantly, it helps us emulsify the inner lens, which means less risk of edema in cornea after the procedure. This method is also called laser cataract surgery.

The artificial lens is as important as the method that will be used in the surgery. It is decided in the pre-operation consultation with the doctor considering the patient’s complaints. There are 3 types of artificial lenses as Monofocal, Multifocal and Trifocal. Depending on the type of lens, the patient is likely to dispose of using glasses.

It is important to wait 4 or 5 days between the interventions of each surgery to avoid any risk of infection.

Instructions for pre and post cataract operation

  • Depending on your level of cataract, you may be required to stop taking any asprin or blood thinners 3 days prior to the surgery.
  • You can have breakfast on the day of the surgery, having a light one is recommended.
  • If you have any systemic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma etc. you should continue to take the necessary dosage of your medications and follow your regimen as normal. It is recommended to bring your medications to the surgery place in order not to forget taking them, as it is important to maintain the body at its normal level during the surgery.
  • On the surgery day please wash your face properly, and do not apply any make-up, lotion, cream etc.
  • You can go back to your home after the surgery. You will be called in for a post-op consultation in 36 hours. It is not recommended to drive right after the surgery.
  • If you are prescribed two different eye drops, please use them separately and wait at least 15 minutes between each one.
  • Please apply your eye drops by looking up and stretching your lower eyelid down.
  • You can apply your eye drops in daytime, no need to wake up from your sleep at night.

If you haven’t received additional information, you should use your eye drops for 15 days

Cataract Cost in Turkey

Cataract Operation Overview



Duration of Intervention

10-20 Minutes

Return to Social Life

2 Days

Average Pain

0-1 **

*It is for informational purposes only, be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

**Pain rating scale: from 0 = absence to 5 maximum pain.


  1. 1
    Can I have cataract or other eye surgery after my laser treatment?

    Laser eye surgeries are not an obstacle for your future eye treatments.

  2. 2
    Will I have to use glasses after cataract surgery?

    During the cataract surgery, the lens placed in the eye can be adjusted to see the far or near distance. If it is adjusted to see the far distance, patient may need to use glasses to see near distance, viceversa. However, if trifocal (multifocal) lenses are used, all the visions problems such as myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism can be solved at the same time.

  3. 3
    Do I need to lose the most of my vision to have cataract surgery?

    No, in any period of your cataract, you can have a surgery.

  4. 4
    Do I need to have general anesthesia during my cataract surgery?

    General anesthesia is only used for kids and babies. In cataract surgery for adults, local anesthesia is used to block all the muscles and nerves to eliminate the pain around the eyes.

  5. 5
    Can I have laser eye surgery after my cataract surgery?

    After an examination, if your doctor approves, you can have it.

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