Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction is widely known for its aesthetical purposes, but it can be performed to eliminate back, neck pain, egzama, extreme sweating, bad odor due to heavy and large breasts. At the end it leads to a postural disorder problems. In order to have a better appearance and dispose of other discomforts.

How is Breast Reduction performed?

In breast reduction surgery, breast tissue and skin is adjusted according to the patient’s body proportion by removing excessive tissue and skin.

It is inevidable to have some scars after a reduction mammaplasty surgery. These scars are circular shaped around the areola and inverted T-shape down from the nipple. In recent surgical methods, there is no incision made horizontally under the breast. Only an incision that goes around the nipple and straight down the nipple is made.

Within time these scars become less visible through skin recuperation.

Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia and it usually takes 2,5-4 hours in total.

What to expect after a breast reduction surgery?

After breast reduction surgery, the patient is kept under control in the hospital during the first night. Antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed when you are discharged from the hospital the next day. Each day you can adapt to social life more and more with dressings to be made by your doctor after your breast reduction surgery. You can return to your normal life for 3-4 days after the operation.

As recovery process continues, do not force your arm at least for 4 weeks after surgery, do not carry weight, and avoid push and pull movements. You should use the sports bra recommended by your doctor for 1 month continuously. This bra will both reduce pain and help shape the breast. The breast tissue will have edema and swelling after the surgery. Edema decreases in 3-4 weeks. It may take 6-12 months to get the final result. It is normal that there may be a slight pain such as burning and sting from time to time. After surgery, if necessary, stitches are removed in 12-15 days. High physical activity should not be done for 2 months after the surgery. Light activities such as walking and jogging can be done after one month.

Breast Reduction Cost in Turkey

Breast Reduction Operation Overview



Duration of Intervention

2-3 Hours

Sports Activity Recovery

3-4 Weeks

Define Result

8-12 Months

Return to Social Life

4 Days

Return to Work

1 Week


1 Night

Average Pain After 3 Days

0-1 **

*It is for informational purposes only, be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

**Pain rating scale: from 0 = absence to 5 maximum pain.


  1. 1
    Can I breastfeed after a breast reduction surgery?

    Some women who have breast reduction surgery can breastfeed their children without any problem. However, it can often be difficult to predict this beforehand. Still, in general, a blockage will occur in the milk ducts. Therefore, even if you have milk, you may not be able to breastfeed in full efficiency.

  2. 2
    What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?

    Early stage complications (bleeding, infection, hematoma, pain, fat necrosis, etc.) after breast reduction surgery are rare complications in the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon in good hospital conditions. These are generally side effects that may occur in all surgeries. The most important complication specific to this surgery is the color problem that may occur in the areola. In this case, there is blackening in the areola area, which is very rare but possible. Long term risks can be asymmetry, scars, breastfeeding problems. These chances can be reduced with a good post operation follow-up accompanied by surgeon

  3. 3
    Is scar free breast reduction possible?

    After breast reduction, there will be a scar on the breast. However, this scar can be minimum according to the skin type. In very rare cases, if the problem is only large and sagging breasts, liposuction can reduce the breasts a little. But this shrinkage is very limited and causes the breasts to sag a little.

  4. 4
    Why do breasts sag?

    There may be many reasons for this. Due to aging and hormonal changes, breast tissue decreases and shrinks. This causes the breast to be more and more empty inside and sag. Mothers that breasfeed are more likely to have sagging breasts. As the breasts are fuller before breastfeeding period, they become stretched and loose once the milk ducts are empty. When this is repeated many times, the breasts sag naturally.

  5. 5
    Is it painful after the breast reduction surgery?

    Pain level after breast reduction surgery is not different from other surgeries. It can be easily controlled with painkillers and cold compression. Occasional burning and stinging may occur during the 6-12 months postoperatively. However, a very severe pain is not very common.

  6. 6
    How small can my breasts be reduced?

    Patient’s shoulder and chest width and general body dimensions are the criterias used to obtain aesthetically proportional breast. For the patients that would need to maintain breastfeeding function, the breast can be reduced to some extent. In the preoperative consultation, your doctor will give you information about how small your breasts can be.

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