With our experienced surgeons and operational team, we provide you with a high quality service for affordable prices. It has never been this easy to have a plastic surgery abroad before. Get More Information Plastic Surgery Hair transplant is mostly preferred by men due to genetic coding which causes the hair loss. On the other hand even if women have different hormonal system, they can experience hair loss and can have hair transplant as well. Get More Information Hair Transplant Obesity, which is one of the most common disorders today, not only affects the life standards, but also affects the physiological and psychological state of the person by causing other diseases. Get More Information Weight Loss Surgery
About TravelMEDI

TravelMEDI is a medical tourism company, founded by doctors and travel consultants to give a different understanding to the field of health tourism.

TravelMEDI offers the right treatment with the appropriate budget for those who will come abroad for treatment. Upon patient request, All of his/her travel preparations will be taken successfully by our expert travel consultants starting from his/her place of residence until returning home.

TravelMEDI is the one and only medical tourism company that possesses the certification of American MTQUA (Medical Travel Quality Alliance) in Turkey.

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